
Blowin' in the Wind

3:05 PM
It's been awhile.. so long in fact that I forgot what program I had been using to edit my blog pics when I went to upload these whoooops.. Life has been good though. I'm taking my last two college courses right now and by the end of the summer I'll officially be a college graduate!! In the meantime, I'm trying to get back...


ascot friday x cleobella

Sweet Summer

6:02 PM
It might be a little late to call this post sweet summer, but these pictures were taken on the last day of summer last September so I'm a little behind. Still love this outfit though. I'm big into tunics right now, they're so easy to throw on and go. I had a long and rigorous fall semester and a wonderful break, but now...



paint it black

5:44 PM
Just a quick post today! I've been so busy with school and work that I've just had these sitting around for a few weeks now.. Only 12 more weeks till the semesters over! details: top- frock on skirt- nasty gal backpack- vintage necklace- urban outfitters ...



Take a Trip

6:15 PM
Hi guys! These are the few pictures I took on my trip to Austin a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I didn't get as many as I planned on, but at least I managed to get shots of one of my outfits! Speaking of my outfit, I am completely in love with these shorts from Tunnel Vision. They are the creation of two...



Whatever, Mom

11:18 AM
As I've been sitting here writing this blog post and watching some silly alien invasion movie on syfy its occurred to me that this might be the first time that I've really relaxed in the past two weeks. No one wants anything from me right now (except the dogs, but they always want something ha), I'm not rushing to leave for work or...



Acid Rain

10:23 PM
Hi guys! I know I've been MIA for awhile now, but I've had some pretty big changes since my last post and hadn't gotten around to blogging about them till now. I began the summer with a very unexpected, but very exciting move to Austin, TX after my fiance was offered an incredible job opportunity. I lived there for the summer and moved...


american eagle


12:52 PM
Its been awhile since I've had some outfit pictures to post on here so I had Andrea take a few real quick yesterday before I had to run off to meet my fiance. Even in this little clothes I was melting after 5 minutes outside.. Its officially summertime! I originally threw this together on fathers day last weekend to go out to lunch/dinner...