
Take a Trip

6:15 PM


Hi guys! These are the few pictures I took on my trip to Austin a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I didn't get as many as I planned on, but at least I managed to get shots of one of my outfits! Speaking of my outfit, I am completely in love with these shorts from Tunnel Vision. They are the creation of two bloggers I love and I highly recommend checking out their brand Bad Vibes. I love everything I've purchased from them so far and can't wait to get some more! I had so much fun wandering around downtown Austin and vintage shopping with Andrea. I ended taking home a super destroyed George Thoroughgood t and an oh so perfect white button up with me from this great vintage store called Frock On. On top of that, I also got my septum pierced! I've wanted to get it done for months now so I finally worked up the courage and I love it (pictures of it in my next post!). I had a really great experience at a shop called Diablo Rojo, so if you're in the Austin area I highly recommend them! If you'd like to see more of our trip head over to Andrea's blog, Deer and the Wolf, and check out her video post! 

top- aeropostale
shorts- bad vibes via tunnel vision
shoes- steve madden
backpack- urban outfitters

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