
Whatever, Mom

11:18 AM


As I've been sitting here writing this blog post and watching some silly alien invasion movie on syfy its occurred to me that this might be the first time that I've really relaxed in the past two weeks. No one wants anything from me right now (except the dogs, but they always want something ha), I'm not rushing to leave for work or school, and I don't have any due date pressing upon me. I've been living a whirlwind life since I got home from Austin almost 4 weeks ago. First I went to New Orleans to work at a gift show with my dad, then I got to go back to Austin to visit Kyle with Andrea, then last week I started my new job at Free People (eeeekkk!!) and of course school. Life has been crazy, but other than being a little stressful its been crazy good. So here's to a relaxing Sunday spend doing nothing and going nowhere!

halter top- aeropostale
overalls and backpack- vintage
sunnies- urban outfitters

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