
Witchy Woman

11:26 AM


I've been feeling really exhausted and just uninspired lately so I had to take a little break from blogging due to the end of the semester and many other stressful things, but I'm happy to be back with an outfit that made me feel the most "me" that I've felt in a long time! I've had this skirt for a couple of years now, but never managed to wear it until last week when I was running out of time to meet up with Andrea and our friend Laura on one those days where nothing felt right. I saw this guy in the back of my closet and threw it on with the first things I thought of and absolutely loved it. I came to love it even more in the next couple of days as I tried it on with more and more stuff that it went perfectly with. Funny how that works out when I'd even thought of getting rid of it a few times! I'm getting ready to move out of my parents house and in with my fiance this weekend so as I uncover more stuff I've been having a lot of fun "shopping" my closet, I'm hoping I'll continue to have more clothing epiphanies in these next few days! ha

tank- urban outfitters (I know its basic, but I've been loving it!)
skirt- vintage
sandals- old steve madden
backpack and sunnies- urban outfitters
jewelry- mostly vintage or 10,000 villages

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