
totally, faux sure

5:43 PM

full body use instead hands alt edited purse 565 pix maybe instead

I've been working on this post for on and off for a few days now and I'm proud to say I'm finally learning how to edit photos on my computer instead of just using my ipad. This outfit is from sometime in December that I never got around to posting. I was hanging out in city centre with Andrea and we got some quick pictures before getting some much needed hot chocolate to warm us up afterwards. My feet were pretty much numb. I really love these pants and how va va voom they make me feel! The last picture was definitely an outtake, but I thought it was funny so I threw it in. I'm getting better, but there's definitely been more than a few pictures that turned out like this in my blog career thus far.

jacket- thrifted
shirt- xxi
pants- american apparel
shoes- thrifted

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