
Green Goodness

7:48 PM

I always try to eat somewhat healthy because I like healthy food and it makes me feel good inside and out.  I'm always ready to try new things and have been wanting to start making green smoothies for awhile now. I've kept putting it off though because I wanted to buy a fancy new blender first, but I finally gave up the procrastination and pulled out the old one last week. The result was pretty tasty so I thought I'd share it here! It was super easy to make, nothing too special and it was a great beginner smoothie.

I used:
2c spinach
about 4-5 strawberries
1 banana
1c vanilla coconut milk
2 tbsp chia seeds

There are quite a few variations that can be made to this basic recipe. I used coconut milk because I'm allergic to soy and nuts, but also just because vanilla coconut milk is absolutely delicious. I'm not a big sweets eater so my smoothie was very mild, but if you want it sweeter you can always add honey or some other sweetener. I want to keep trying new things like maca powder, hemp seeds, bee pollen, etc. and will continue to periodically post some new recipes as I try them. I'm actually trying out a chia seed pudding tonight so I might do a post on that soon as well. If you give this a try, I hope you enjoy! And let me know if y'all have any good recipe suggestions or health tips. Especially anything that promotes good digestion and increased energy!

xx shel

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