
Green Goodness

7:48 PM
I always try to eat somewhat healthy because I like healthy food and it makes me feel good inside and out.  I'm always ready to try new things and have been wanting to start making green smoothies for awhile now. I've kept putting it off though because I wanted to buy a fancy new blender first, but I finally gave up the procrastination...



Holy Grail

3:41 PM
Here's just a super simple laid back look I through together quickly for school the other day (I can barely get dressed at 6 am most days, let alone dress up..), but I feel like these jeans take everything a step up. They are pretty much the holy grail of distressed bf jeans and  what I've been searching for pretty much my entire...




8:30 AM
I've had a super hectic week.. It seems like all this school work has just snuck up on me out of nowhere.  Thankfully its all winding down. Just one more test to go this Friday and then I'll get some time to catch up before the next round of projects/tests. If you had asked me yesterday I would have sworn it hadn't been...