
bohemian bliss

7:24 PM


  So I'm finally getting back with another blog post.. I just started and already I'm behind. Boo. I've been busy with end of semester work, etc. and even when I did have free time I just didn't feel like editing photos. Basically blah blah, excuses, blah blah.. But it's over now and I have another post planned for this weekend! 
Anyways, I really like this outfit with all its light and flowy happenings. The kimono is from Spell and the Gypsy Collection, an Australian brand that I am completely in love with (one of many) and it's pretty much perfect. I don't have too much to say about it other than that. This was the first time I tried taking pictures on my own and they were kind of washed out and I was having a hard time getting it right, but my nieces ended up helping me in the end so these are the results! I'll have to keep working on it, but these didn't turn out too bad! 
We'll meet again soon xx

What I'm Wearing:
kimono- Spell and the Gypsy Collective via Free people, slip- Free People, boots- vintage, bag- antique festival, necklace- Free People (guess I was wearing a lot of fp that day :p)

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