So, I guess it was more than a day or two.. still getting used to editing photos and I was definitely putting it off. I love how these turned out though! It was darker than ideal photo taking conditions, but I had fun messing with them and the first one especially makes me feel fairy like. My friend helped me take these after work one day last spring so they're not recent but, I still love everything about this outfit so I'm excited to post it. These are probably my favorite pair of overalls, they are so incredibly comfortable and easy to wear. Anyways, this was a good day. I'm pretty sure we met my fiancé and some friends at the bar after this and as usual I got a lot of weird looks for wearing my overalls to the bar, but screw those squares. Little boys overalls rock.
I'm wearing: overalls-thrifted, bralette and necklace- Free People, sandals- old Aldo, rings- vintage and gifts